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Queue Analytics

Understand how queues impact performance.

How Long Will Customers Wait?

Queues are inevitable, but striking the right balance helps stores satisfy customers while maximizing sales.

Queue Analytics is a cloud-based solution that uses sensors and 3D cameras combined with patented Walkbase algorithms to deliver scalable measurement of checkout performance. Equipped with precise store-by-store metrics, retailers can make operational changes, see how changes impact sales and make data-driven decisions to improve overall performance. 

Key Features

Robust and highly customizable dashboard
Get a complete overview of your locations and their performance, including departments and smaller areas.

Global, regional and local data views
Effortless viewing of KPIs on varying levels of detail.

Advanced filters to interact with data
Enable filters to add focus on specific groups of visitors.

Exporting and importing tools
Export data to excel and import marketing campaigns and events.

Data integration
Integrate POS, staff or external data to gain a complete overview of your performance.

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Walkbase Queue Analytics aggregates data from sensors into actionable insights. A customizable dashboard gives you a comprehensive summary of how customers are moving and waiting throughout the store, including dwell times and pathing information, in a simple and easy to read view. 

Queue Analytics Data Helps You Optimize:

Checkout Effectiveness
Understand wait time, lane switching and bounce rates to increase operational efficiency and lane throughput.

Curbside or In-Store Pickup Effectiveness
Analyse data to determine efficiencies of employees when delivering orders to customers at curbside or in-store pickup locations.

Service Area Experience
Assign employees to address growing queues for a better customer experience.

Loss Prevention
Know when fraud is being committed when customers take carts and baskets out the door without paying.

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Want to optimize stores?    LET’S TALK